Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Google may integrate Google Goggles into its camera app

Google may be planning to integrate Google Goggles into its Android camera app. According to a report by Slash Gear, the new feature would allow users to search for details of any object by taking a picture of it. This feature is already available via the Google Goggles app, but the new version would improve upon it as the app is only able to search entire images, not specific areas. According to the report, the new feature would allow users to outline specific areas of an image in order to fine tune their searches.
In addition, the report states that the technology has been tested in “wearable computing devices.” It is possible that this technology may be used in devices such as Google Glass, or an AR/VR headset. Previous reports have suggested that Google is working on a new Google Glass and Google Cardboard VR headset. The new VR headset is tipped to come with additional sensors and lenses, and may be built using plastic instead of cardboard. 


  1. That's some nice piece of info. Thanks, for blogging and sharing this tech info.

  2. Its my pleasure. Stay tuned and subscribe for latest updates. :)
